Monday, 30 December 2013

A New Year { And a Cyclone }


It has passed by before we even realised it. It's true what they say. The older you get, the faster the years pass. And scarily, I don't feel any different then I did ten years ago. Maybe, just a little more sleep deprived. Our girls, growing up so quickly, are the yardstick to which we measure how quickly time has passed for us.

In the space of a year we have moved twice. First from a rental, into our own home (with a two month baby in tow), and then again, from our own home to a company house in the Pilbara. It has been a year of surprises. And it has kind of been exhausting.

Two young children, taking up so many of our minutes in the day. And night. Trying to find time for ourselves. For each other. Looking back now, I can see that day to day life is so much easier now then it was at the start of the year. Even if it doesn't feel like it at times.

So many glimpses of joy throughout our day, as the girls slowly start interacting more and more with each other as sisters. Laughing with one another, at each other, playing together, sharing (ok, only occasionally with that side of things). A real closeness is starting to grow between them both.

Before their arrival, New Years would have been spent at the usual type of place. Somebody's backyard, house or night club/pub. Mostly lacklustre. And if I think about it, completely unmemorable. The reality for us this year. We'll be doing absolutely nothing, aside from storm watching. We have a cyclone in the area. Cyclone Christina. The tail end of which is expected to reach us on New Years Eve. One of the quietest new years eves I've ever celebrated, but one that I doubt I will forget.

It's going to be a windy and rainy afternoon and night, at the least. The backyard has been packed up. Everything brought under cover. Tied down. Shade sails taken down. It's our first experience with cyclones, so I'm a little unsure of what to expect. Maybe we're all preparing for something that might have lost most of it's steam by the time it reaches us. But it's better to be cautious right? The full to the brim shopping trolleys at the supermarket today, tell me that that's the case. Locals here know, that a flood on any major road, can potentially cut off any supplies into town, for days at a time.

Motherhood and maturity, makes me entirely comfortable with a new years eve, consisting of the usual bedtime routine with the girls, a quiet glass of wine and a storm. That's all I'll need to see in 2014.

Happy New Years to you. And if you're in my part of the world, I hope you've battened down your hatches and are staying safe x

Linking in with the lovely Zanni from My Little Sunshine House, for her Sunshine Sunday Series.


  1. I love doing nothing at all on New Year's Eve as by the time the end of year is near I am usually quite run down from all the Christmas festivities. We are going to an afternoon party with friends, back in time for the little one's bed time. Life centres around the kids, doesn't it? In a nice way.
    I hope the cyclone bearing my name will not affect your town too badly, you are right, better be prepared than sorry. Cx

    1. It does, but it's never bothered me too much. I quite like being at home!!! Especially on nights like this, it's cosy and comfortable. Happy New Year Christina. Look forward to following your blog in the new year x

  2. Well a cyclone was due wasn't it. Shame it picked new years eve's eve and new years eve though. Hope it's lost its fury before it hits you.
    I'm also happy to have a calm mature new years eve. funny how we shift from party to reflection mode as we get older.

    1. It definetly has lost it's fury Andrea. This afternoon it swerved away from us a little. Enough that we now have only a little rain and wind tonight. A bit of a letdown after all the hype over the last few days (if you can say that!) Happy new year to you. Thanks for reading my blog x

  3. such a great post. i am also starting to see a bond between my two little ones (roman, age 3 1/2, and amelia just over 18 months) it's nice seeing them interact... especially now that amelia is just starting to talk.

    finding sleep is certainly a challenge. i always find myself thinking... use my time to be active and take some quiet time to myself, or use the time to catch up on sleep?

    i am 27 now and feel the exact same as i did ten years ago, as well. it's interesting. i think your mindset changes as you get older... your goals change, your priorities change, but you still feel like the same person. i guess because you are.

    happy new year to you and your family <3

  4. What a beautiful post Carla. I can't imagine being in a scary! Sounds like so much has changed for you in 2013, but you have such grace and wisdom about what has come about. Happy New Year and I hope 2014 is kind and generous to you. Thank you so much for linking in for Sunshine Sunday! xx

    1. Thanks Zanni, I will attempt to link in as often as I can. Sometimes my children aren't always obliging and time gets away from me!!!

  5. I'm thrilled to have found your blog, Carla. It seems we have a lot of similarity in our lives at the moment (not the cyclone part tho!) I'm looking forward to following your journey this year :)


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