Monday, 13 January 2014

Where Do You Write? { My Best Stuff Happens in Bed, and After Midnight Apparently}

Where can I find you right now?

Poised at a desk?
Slouched on the couch?
At your dining table?
In one of those cute, pinterest worthy little nooks or office spaces?

Where do I write? I'm the couch person. Or the dining table person. Who am I kidding? I'm really, mostly just the couch person.

But where do I do my best writing? I do my best work in bed, and after midnight it seems. My three most popular posts that I've written since starting my blog ( The Best Friend, A Mummy Vacation, A Red Adventure ), all written on my iPhone, while I'm tucked in bed, unable to sleep, my husband snoring soundly, children are sleeping, and my mind is unravelling.

Go figure!

Where do you do your best writing?


  1. I'm an on the couch girl. Once the kids are tucked up in bed I make myself a cuppa and get comfy. We don't watch TV so unless we have ordered a movie I tend to use the evening as my blogging time xo

  2. I'm pretty much the same :) I usually blog on the lounge after the kids have gone to bed.

    1. Love your blog Melissa! Thanks for stopping by x

  3. Yep, where I am right now - in bed (at 7:30pm) with my little babe sleeping beside me. She can't fall asleep without me, so most nights it is easiest just to stay in bed with her and get some blogging time in on the laptop. And occasionally, when she or one of the dogs wakes me up in the middle of the night, I then sneak into the other room with the computer for an hour to get some thoughts down. Don't have too many moments of uninterrupted time, so have to use what I get!

    1. You are utilising every moment! Uninterrupted time is hard to come by sometimes that's for sure x

  4. My couch is a perfect fit for me and my laptop and a coffee mug always sits on the armrest. I write whenever I have a moment but like it most in the evenings. Cx

    1. I'm definetly an evening person with a cup of tea too x

  5. This is very interesting! I have always made a sort of rule that all tablets, phones and laptops stay downstairs. We never take them up to bed with us and I read a book in bed before going to sleep. I think if I went online before bed I wouldn't be able to sleep. I usually write sat at the dining room table, and read blogs sat on the sofa with the laptop on a cushion on my lap, with a cup of tea next to me. x

    1. I wish we had that rule, but sadly we don't! Your rule sounds much nicer x

  6. Right now I am sitting on the back deck wishing I had a G&T but because I am on a no drink on Wednesday thing (dont ask) sadly I dont. My best work too usually happens in bed, when I am supposed to be going to sleep, and I cant help but turn the light back on and write :) xx

    1. Hope you're enjoying a drink tonight to make up for last night then!! x

  7. in bed or outside on one of my garden chairs. but i can't write on my laptop, because using a computer is linked with work, and as i'm an editor for my job, i get all critical and i tend to stall myself. so i write longhand in a paper journal, and the words flow much easier and i can play with word rather than edit them. i then retype everything into my blog!

    1. I started of longhand only, but find I now just use the laptop. Very occasionally I use the iphone. But I can understand your thought process with your work! x


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